
Deep dive into Authorization on GCP

This document is about how actors using GCP resources are authorized to perform GCP API calls, not about how applications hosted on GCP can authenticate end-users.

This document is not about IAM or about security on GCP in general.


Let’s get a few basics right first.

In a traditional system, authorization is bound to authentication. The general flow is that the system identifies the calling party, then it checks Access Control Lists to check if the operation or access should be allowed or not. Most systems work with users, roles and permissions, optionally also involving groups and resource-bound permissions.


OAuth2 provides the basis for authorization in GCP, so it’s worth taking time to get to know it well. I also encourage you to spend time reading the original RFCs (there are various RFCs involved).

You are also encouraged to review other online materials that give you an introduction to the topic. Nevertheless, I’ll also cover some important basics below.

Some trivia:


Important OAuth2 terminology:

Note that OAuth2 is often used to provide authentication to 3rd party services. This involves elements from the OpenID standards (covered later). In this flow, the external site, eg mycutekittenpictures.meow registers a client with the Google Auth servers, and when you log in, you authorize this client to request your identity information from token info endpoints.

OAuth2 itself doesn’t prescribe how the authorization info is sent from the user agent to the resource server. The generally applied solution is Bearer tokens.

Also, OAuth2 itself doesn’t prescribe how the resource server can validate the authorization tokens. RFC7662 specifies an introspection endpoint, but this is not implemented by Google OAuth for example. Other solutions can involve shared databases or encoding information in the tokens themselves.


Obtaining an access token can be performed in various ways, these are called authorization flows. You’ve most probably seen these various times.

Note that in the authentication code flow, the app server side has to somehow authorize its ‘token exchange’ call to the authorization servers. On GCP this is done by using a ‘client id’ and a ‘client secret’, but this is not specified in related standards.


OAuth2 authorizes you for scopes. Scopes are generally opaque strings, their usage is not specified in any ways by OAuth2, but the scopes are often included in authorization URLs or JWT tokens, so there should be sufficiently few and small scope strings.

OpenID Connect

For our purposes, OpenID Connect or OIDC is important because it provides identity information as part of the OAuth2 mechanisms. OIDC is otherwise a much broader range of standards.

Quick example

An example of an authentication code flow.

You can use “APIs and Services” / “Credentials”, then “Create Credentials” / “OAuth2 Client ID” to create a client.

To initiate a flow, open a URL in the browser:

This contains the auth URL specified for Google. The client id is the client we’ve registered. The response_type specifies which flow we’d like to use. The scope specifies the things we’d like to have authorizations for. Parameters state and redirect_uri are checked for security.

This page will prompt the user to grant authorization for our client for the requested scopes. If we aren’t logged in, it will require us to log in (note that the way this happens is not specified by OAuth).

Google will then redirect the browser back to the ‘callback url’ specified for the client. The server side can then use this piece of code to exchange tokens:

    const tokens = await"", {
        "grant_type": "authorization_code",
        "code": req.query.code,
        "redirect_uri": "http://localhost:8080/callback",
        "client_id": "",
        "client_secret": client_secret
    const jwt = jwt_decode(;

A typical response to this request will contain:

    "access_token": "ya29.xxxx",
    "expires_in": 3599,
    "scope": "....",
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "id_token": "..."

You can then use this access token to make API calls on GCP:

    const userInfo = await axios.get("", { headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " +

The id_token originally returned is an encoded JWT token that also contains identity information, like email, picture and sub. The usage of id_token is specified in the OIDC standard.

Refresh tokens

Access tokens are usually short-lived, by default they are valid for an hour. In specific cases OAuth providers can return refresh tokens besides access tokens in the response shown above.

The application servers can then use these refresh tokens to get new access tokens without user interaction. This is especially useful for applications that require ‘background’ API calls for their operation, for example regularly synchronizing calendar entries.

Refresh tokens themselves don’t expire. Client authorizations can be revoked in your accounts security page - this part is of course not specified in standards.


JWT, or JSON Web Tokens are a web-friendly data format to transfer identity and authorization information.

Its terminology works with claims, in the sense that the sender of the token states a set of data.

An encoded JWT token contains a header, payload and a signature. This way the receiver of the token can verify the contents of the token against the signature. The signature uses an asymmetric key pair. The authorization servers signing JWT tokens have a published public key that token receivers can use to verify the signature.

In our use cases, the signature ensures not only that the transferred data is coherent. A signature on a JWT token also means that the OIDC provider of the identity was issued to an authorized client, meaning that the holder of the signed JWT token is authorized to act as the subject of the token with the given scopes.

To see a JWT token, you can use:

> gcloud auth print-identity-token

You can then safely copy-paste this token to and see the information it contains.

Most typically it will contain:

  "iss": "",
  "aud": "",
  "sub": "xxx",
  "email": "",
  "iat": 1647537566,
  "exp": 1647541166

Google Cloud Platform

And now let’s see how all this works on GCP.

Some useful material:

Basically it will be OAuth2 / OIDC in the end.

Actors and clients

When a business decides to use Google Cloud, there are basically two options:

The service providing identities for GCP is called Cloud Identity. This is not to be confused with Identity Platform which is a service that can be integrated to applications to provide auth.

Actors on GCP will include:

Clients acting on GCP will include:

API Explorer

For example, if you open up the Compute Engine REST API, you can make calls using the API Explorer on the right side. When you first make an API call, it will open an authorization popup.

The URL here should look familiar:

You can spot the client_id, the scopes, the redirect_uri and other familiar parameters. This uses the SPA-focused ‘id_token’ based flow, so the access token will be directly returned to be used in the browser. The client_id belongs to a registered application (client), named API Explorer.


If you use gcloud auth login or gcloud auth application-default login, it will also follow the same OAuth2 flow. These have their own respective client ids and default scopes.

These login flows will receive a refresh_token and will store these tokens in local files under your home directory. When you try to make an API call, these tokens will be used to get an access token that can be used to make the call.

You can try this manually:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"\

Here we use the gcloud auth print-access-token command to get an access token and then include it as a header to a simple curl call to get the user info as defined in OIDC.

You might be wondering where this userinfo endpoint URL comes from. There’s a detailed description here of how Google implements the OIDC standard.

The standard prescribes publishing the .well-known/openid-configuration file.

This contains for example:

 "issuer": "",
 "authorization_endpoint": "",
 "device_authorization_endpoint": "",
 "token_endpoint": "",
 "userinfo_endpoint": "",
 "revocation_endpoint": "",
 "jwks_uri": ""

gcloud credentials

It’s important to know that if you authenticate using gcloud auth login, that authentication will only affect the commands you make using the gcloud command-line tool itself. You can login with multiple accounts and switch between the authenticated users. Gcloud also supports some common parameters that provide additional features, for example impersonating service accounts.

Client libraries

If you create an application, you can call Google APIs basically any way you’d like. The curl based approach shows an example above.

Most often you’ll use client libraries maintained by Google in your language and environment of choice. Google maintains these libraries for the most popular languages, like Java, Go, .NET, Node.js, Python and so on.

When you initiate the client stub for a given API, you can specify the way you’d like to authenticate the requests to that API, though client library implementations differ in the variety of ways they provide.

You also have the choice of not specifying any authentication. In this case the client libraries will use the Application-Default Credentials flow.

Application-Default Credentials

This is a ‘recommendation’ specified in API-4110 and related entries, but all Google-maintained client libraries implement this flow.

If you initialize a client library without specifying an explicit authentication method, it will follow this mechanism.

Please refer to the linked specifications for the complete picture, but let me point out the most important parts and use-cases.

End-user login

First, you can use gcloud auth application-default login to initiate a regular OAuth2-based flow. This has a specific client id, and it has the cloud-platform and other OIDC related scopes by default, but you can also specify additional scopes. You can only log in as end-users with this mechanism.

Service account key file

To work on behalf of a service account, one option is to export a service account key file and store it on the target machine either at a prescribed location, or any other location and set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to that path.

It’s important to note that exporting service account keys should be avoided if possible, as they impose a high security risk. We’ll discuss some common practices later below.

A service account key file will basically contain a private key that the client library will use to sign a JWT token request. This signed and encoded JWT token will be sent as a header to a generateAccessToken API call, which will return the access_token that will then be used by the client library to make subsequent API calls. We’ll cover more details about this mechanism later below.

Metadata server

Whenever your code runs in a GCP environment, Google will usually provide a locally accessible metadata server, as specified in AIP-4115.

You can try this on a GCP VM:

curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \

This token will be the same as the one you get when using gcloud auth application-default print-access-token, but on a GCP VM, the regular gcloud auth will also work with this token.

As a side-note, the metadata server also provides some other information specific to environments.

Other environments like Cloud Run, Cloud Functions, Cloud Build or App Engine also provide this mechanism.

Service Account - the service account is configured when creating the VM itself, or when you configure the code-running service. If you ‘just create’ a new VM, the web console defaults to the project default compute service account, but you can select custom service accounts there, and it’s actually encouraged to use specific service accounts instead of the default one.

You can also create a VM without an associated service account, in this case the metadata server will return an error, and gcloud will not work.

You can also manually log in using gcloud auth login on GCP VMs, but as the gcloud tool also warns you about it, this should be generally avoided.

Scopes - When you are creating the VM on the web console, you have an option to select which APIs you wish the VM to have access to. This setting finally translates to a set of scopes that the token will be authorized to.

There’s a gcloud beta command to set additional scopes on a VM. Other services don’t yet support specifying additional scopes, but they default to the cloud-platform and other OIDC-related scopes, so you’ll be able to access all GCP services this way.

Some exotic services like the App Engine Remote API, or non-GCP services like the Google Workspace Admin API can require further scopes.

You can also use the metadata server to retrieve the set of tokens your access token will have:

curl -H "Metadata-Flavor:Google" \

You can find a full reference of the accessible values here.

When working with Google Kubernetes Engine, the default case is that the pods running on the node VMs access the metadata server, so client libraries running on pods will default to use the identity of the service account associated with nodes. Note that GKE nodes must have an associated service account to let the kubelet communicate with the API server.

Metadata concealment can prevent pods from accessing the metadata server, but the ultimate recommendation is to use Workload Identity. We’ll cover this later, but in short this lets you associate specific, workload-related service accounts to specific deployments or pods.


It might be worth taking a look at how the Application-Default Credentials flow is implemented in your client library of choice. For example:

You can also notice that there are 3 types of local credential files, see for example here. The local file is always a json with a mandatory differentiator field named type.

User credentials file

A user credentials file will look like this:

  "client_id": "",
  "client_secret": "xxx",
  "quota_project_id": "xxx,
  "refresh_token": "xxx",
  "type": "authorized_user"

This stores the result of a regular OAuth2 authorization code flow, where the server-side component is the gcloud client itself. It stores the refresh token in this file and exchanges that for an access token when necessary. Needless to mention that you should protect these files properly.

Service account key

While it’s generally discouraged, you can export a key for service accounts you created.

In the json format they look like this:

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "project-id",
  "private_key_id": "0eb562fc24fb0c5066021b4d57a65",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----xxxx\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "email@address",
  "client_id": "10037409879297",
  "auth_uri": "",
  "token_uri": "",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
  "client_x509_cert_url": ""

But it can also be exported as a P12 file only.

When you create such a key, Google generates a key pair actually, it keeps the public key part on its side to verify the signatures you make with this private key.

This private key will be used to construct a JWT token, which is then sent to the token exchange URL The response in this case will contain an access token.

You can also work manually with the exported P12, you can sign a JWT request the same way as in the code pieces above.

External Account

The external account type is used for Workload Identity Federation. We’ll cover this in more detail later below.

Making API Calls

We’ve already seen examples above, you basically need to provide the Authorization header with HTTP calls, including a Bearer token.

This bearer token is most commonly an access token. Some APIs also support receiving signed JWT tokens as Bearer tokens.

For an example using an access token:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \

It’s important to know that to successfully make an API call, you need all of the following conditions:

Service Account Impersonation

Service Accounts can be used in various ways in various scenarios. It’s a common pattern to create service accounts for specific system roles and then let end users or other service accounts act as this particular service account.

A very common use case is an infrastructure provisioning pipeline with Terraform. A Terraform pipeline is usually executed on a CI/CD platform, for example on Cloud Build, but it’s often also necessary to execute the pipeline locally from a developer machine. In this case, there’s a dedicated service account created for this infrastructure provisioning system role, and then we let both the Cloud Build default service account and the devops engineers act as this account. See the official doc here.

This scenario can also be set up by exporting a key file for the target service accounts and moving that key file to the developer workstations and the CI/CD pipeline executors, but this approach has obvious vulnerabilities.

Instead of working directly with private keys, we can rely on the IAM Credentials API.

The most basic scenario here relies on the generateAccessToken method. The callers of this API need to have the Service Account Token Creator role on the target service account.

This impersonation mechanism is not specified in the Application Default Credentials standard, it only supports an exported service account key. This means that you need to specifically include client libraries to do this kind of stuff.

This API method also supports providing a delegation chain. In case for example SA1 would generate a token for SA2, then SA2 would generate a token for SA3, this chained token generation can be performed in a single API call.

Terraform, which also works with the Google-provided Golang client libraries, provides two ways to perform service account impersonation. The Terraform Google provider for example handles the environment variable here. It’s useful to know that if service account impersonation is in use, API errors from the impersonation flow itself are often logged misleadingly as if they were reported from the provider API call itself, so for example an Unauthorized error logged from a compute engine instance creation can actually come from the access token API.

The gcloud command-line client also provides the –impersonate-service-account option for all its commands.

For service account impersonation, the iam.serviceAccounts.getAccessToken is usually sufficient, which is included in the Service Account Token Creator role. This will also allow the caller to use the generated token to authorize further API calls. There’s another important permission, the somewhat misleadingly named iam.serviceAccounts.actAs, which is included in the Service Account User role. This permission is required to associate this service account to resources, for example to create a VM with this service account. This permission is also required for example to SSH into a VM instance which has that service account configured.

The Golang client library provides the impersonate package. You can also perform the impersonation with your custom code and then provide the resulting access token using StaticTokenSource.

Node.js and Java client libraries don’t seem to provide impersonation features (apart from the exported service account key based), and they also don’t provide classes to work with an existing access token.

User impersonation

It’s also possible to impersonate end users, but strictly speaking this is not a use case on GCP itself. This is used for example if an application needs to access Calendar data of Google Workspace users. This scenario could also be performed by doing a full OAuth2 flow with each affected user and storing the refresh token on the application servers. Domain-wide delegation, however, allows an application to generate tokens for users without their interaction.

This is a common use case when an application is installed on a Google Workspace domain. The application needs to have an OAuth2 client id already generated, and then this client id can be granted access with specific scopes to an entire domain or specific Organizational Units. This can be done manually on the Workspace admin screens or this can also automatically happen when installing applications from the Workspace Marketplace.

Service Accounts also have an OAuth2 Client Id which can be used for such authorization purposes.

Common code examples of such scenarios (for example here) work with exported service account keys, and it’s rarely mentioned that you can also work with a mechanism based on signJwt. Exported service account keys are used basically for the same purpose - to sign a JWT token and then use that encoded token to generate an access token. JWT signing can be performed on Google’s side with this API call.

For example:

const accessToken = '<<existing access token from env>>';
const jwt = {
        'iss': '',
        'scope': "openid",
        'sub': '',
        'aud': '',
        'iat': Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000),
        'exp': (Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000) + 60 * 60)
request = {
        "delegates": [],
        "payload": JSON.stringify(jwt)
const signed = await"", request, { headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + accessToken
 // perform token exchange
const exchanged = await'', {
        'grant_type': "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer",
// check the exchanged token
const email = await axios.get('', { headers: {
        'Authorization': 'Bearer ' +

This kind of flow is unfortunately not supported in Node.js or Java client libraries.

Workload Identity Federation

When your workload is running somewhere inside GCP, it’s very likely that authorization for GCP service calls can be set up in a way that avoids managing service account keys or other stored credentials.

For execution environments outside GCP, the metadata server won’t be available, thus the default solution is often an exported credential file.

Workload Identity Federation provides a way to avoid using such exported credentials.

Shifting source of Trust

When you export a service account key file, a pair of keys is generated. The private key will be in the downloaded file and will be used for JWT token signature. GCP will verify the signature with the ‘public’ pair of the key.

This way, when verifying the JWT signature, Google uses its internally stored ‘public’ key.

The safety of this solution largely relies on that the downloaded key file is securely managed.

With Workload Identity Federation, you register an external OpenID Connect provider in Google IAM, and associate service accounts with a set of external identities. This external OIDC provider can be AWS or Azure for example, among others.

When you register such a provider in a Workload Identity Pool, you basically say that the public keys published by these providers should be trusted as JWT token signers.

As we discussed above, OIDC requires a provider to publish a /.well-known/openid-configuration file, which includes a field named jwks_uri. In case of GCP this is - you can see certificates here which are used for JWT token signing. Other providers will publish keys similarly.

In short, instead of GCP trusting its own copy of the public key of a service account key pair, it will trust the publicly available certificate that you registered to the identity pool.

The safety of this solution relies on whether these external OIDC providers only sign JWT tokens in properly authorized cases.

Under the hood

To authorize a GCP API call from such an external environment, you basically follow these steps:

    // Sign JWT somehow with the private key.
    // This is done by some API call on the external side, you don't normally directly access this key
    const jwt = await new jose.SignJWT({
        "iss": "",
        "iat": now,
        "exp": now + 3600,
        "sub": "",
        "aud": "//"
        .setProtectedHeader({ alg: 'RS256', kid: 'my-key-id' })

    // Use the signed JWT on the GCP Security Token Service API
    const stsToken = await"", {
        grantType: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange",
        audience: "//",
        scope: "",
        requestedTokenType: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token",
        subjectToken: jwt,
        subjectTokenType: "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt"

    // Exchange the STS Token for a regular Access token
    const accessToken = await"", {
        scope: [""]
    }, { headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " +

    // Make an example API call
    const instances = await axios.get("", { headers: {
        "Authorization": "Bearer " +

The documentation provides examples of how this is done for each external provider.

Remember that OIDC doesn’t prescribe having an actual user directory or any fancy service. You can set up a simple external identity implementation for yourself by publishing a standard OIDC description file on a public HTTPS server, along with the public certificates. Then you can use the private keys to sign JWT requests as shown above and exchange them for STS tokens in the pools that you’ve registered with this provider.

The key benefit of using Workload Identity Federation though is that you can safely trust these existing, well-known identity providers that their private keys won’t be misused, and that you can easily sign JWT tokens when your code is executed on these environments.

Application-default credentials

When you configure external identities to be associated with specific service accounts, you can download a json file that can be used to configure ADC.

This file will look like this:

  "type": "external_account",
  "audience": "//",
  "subject_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt",
  "token_url": "",
  "credential_source": {
  "service_account_impersonation_url": ""

This file can be picked up by ADC implementation in client libraries. This repository also gives you a detailed technical walkthrough on the process.

Github Actions

The integration with Github OIDC is especially notable because infrastructure provisioning pipelines often need to work with highly privileged service accounts.

The integration with Github Action also provides build steps configurable in your pipelines to perform all the low-level API calls that are needed to get an access token.

You need to keep in mind though that a Github Action pipeline declared in a repository might be misused for privilege escalation if the developers having write access to the repository don’t have the pipeline’s privileges anyway. Branch protection has to be used in conjunction with protected environments to fully prevent escalation. Cloud Build is still often preferred for highly privileged provisioning pipelines.

Kubernetes Workload Identity

As also mentioned above, Google Kubernetes Engine is a bit of a special environment, because a single VM can host multiple workloads.

By default, any pod running on the VM can access the metadata server of the VM, making them able to make API calls on behalf of the node’s service account. In this setup all workloads in the node pool will have the same service identity. Moreover, this service identity needs to be the same as the service account the kubelet uses.

The Metadata Concealment option lets you prevent pods from accessing the metadata server. This is useful if the workloads don’t need to make GCP API calls, but in case they need to, you would end up storing service account keys on the cluster.

By configuring Workload Identity for the cluster, you can associate GCP service account to Kubernetes service accounts, and if a pod is configured to work with a specific Kubernetes service account, it will see a metadata server endpoint configured to return access tokens for the associated GCP service account.

All the technical details we discussed above are transparently handled, client libraries running in these pods will just work with the ADC mechanism.

Identity-aware Proxy

This is not strictly related to the topic, but it’s a very important feature on GCP to know about.

Identity-Aware Proxy is basically a TCP-over-HTTPS proxy. Connections are authorized with the same mechanisms we’ve been discussing. After the authorization is made, roughly speaking TCP packets are sent in consequent HTTP requests.

As this architecture suggests, this is only suitable for administrative access, but it’s very handy for that purpose.

Assuming you have a VM without a publicly accessible IP, you can still open an SSH connection to it if you have sufficient permissions and if TCP connections are allowed to the VM on port 22 from the predefined IAP proxy IP range.

This mechanism works if you open an SSH connection in the browser, but you can also use the gcloud command line, for example

gcloud compute ssh my-instance --project project --zone zone

There’s an explicit --tunnel-through-iap option that you can specify to force using the IAP tunnel. This can come handy if the target instance has a public IP otherwise, but firewall rules disallow the SSH port from being accessible from external IP addresses.

This way you can also open further SSH tunnels to other nodes in your VPC, for example a Cloud SQL instance.

gcloud compute ssh my-instance --project project --zone zone -- -L 3306:

And that should be it, I hope these details help you troubleshoot problems.